The goals and objectives for the Connecting Kentuckiana  2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Update will be the common thread to tie project-level investments into a cohesive MTP. They will also form the basis for how the projects are evaluated for performance impacts. 

The following goals and objectives were approved for inclusion in Connecting Kentuckiana 2050 at the October Transportation Policy Committee Meeting. 

*  Objective with an * next to them are noted as having federally-required performance measures associated with it.

• Stabilize and decrease serious injury crashes and fatalities. *
• Reduce bicycle and pedestrian related crashes. *
• Increase safety on fixed route transit and paratransit. *
• Increase transportation safety through Intelligent Transportation System solutions.

• Support improved modal connectivity in pedestrian, bicycle, and transit projects that contribute to cleaner air.
• Prioritize roadway projects that enhance existing infrastructure operations and support connection to other modes.
• Promote environmental sustainability and protect historic, natural, and cultural resources.
• Reduce disruption to travel by limiting encroachment into environmentally sensitive areas negatively impacted by weather events and climate change.
• Improve air quality by reducing carbon-based vehicle miles traveled.

• Reduce auto-dependent access and increase transportation options to employment, education, and healthcare.
• Minimize disproportionate burdens and ensure equitable benefits from transportation investments in areas with high minority and low-income population.
• Implement innovative outreach strategies to marginalized communities.
• Support commute programs such as telework, staggered work hours, carpool, vanpool, and transit.

• Support access to work by maintaining or improving reasonable travel time on the region’s transportation infrastructure.
• Develop a sustainable workforce through better employment accessibility and mobility options, especially for those residing in low-income areas with high unemployment.
• Enhance multi-modal access to major employment centers and areas with anticipated employment growth.
• Strengthen coordination between transportation and land use planning.

• Maintain or improve travel time on freeway and interstate roadways. *
• Maintain or improve travel time on arterial roadways. *
• Stabilize and decrease vehicle miles traveled.
• Direct efforts to expand facilities in support of electric and automated vehicles and other future transportation technology.
• Explore innovative management and operation strategies.

• Improve access to transit.
• Prioritize transit service to employment, schools, and other activity centers.
• Increase ridesharing by expanding vanpooling, carpooling, and similar strategies.

• Increase access to pedestrian facilities and continuity of the system.
• Increase access to and utilization of bicycle facilities.
• Increase or improve existing bicycle and pedestrian access to transit.
• Support innovative active transportation and shared micro mobility strategies.

• Reduce delay and improve reliability for trucks traveling on interstates, freeways, and arterials. *
• Improve truck access to freight destinations. 
• Safely integrate freight mobility with other transportation modes.

• Improve pavement condition. *
• Improve bridge condition. *
• Reduce the percentage of transit fleet exceeding the useful life benchmark and maintain the condition of transit facilities. *
• Increase system reliability on fixed route transit and paratransit. *
• Prioritize resiliency strategies to extend the life span and functionality of the transportation system.
• Add redundant infrastructure to increase system resiliency.
• Integrate climate change considerations into asset management.